IoTeX Leads Innovation in Trusted and Transparent Asset Tracking
Here is a quick news recap: * IoTeX and IIC published a Tech Brief on trusted & transparent asset tracking * ioPay 2.0 Beta testing kicked off * IoTeX travels to ETHDenver! * ANKR and IoTeX team up to speed global network growth * IoTeX is #1 out of 3,350 coins tracked on LunarCrush

Hi IoTeX Community!
These past few weeks have been filled with exciting IoTeX updates we cannot wait to share with you. As always, here is our quick recap on what we’ve been up to:
- IoTeX and IIC published a Tech Brief on trusted & transparent asset tracking
- ioPay 2.0 Beta testing kicked off
- IoTeX travels to ETHDenver!
- ANKR and IoTeX team up to speed global network growth
- IoTeX is #1 out of 3,350 coins tracked on LunarCrush
Last May, US President Biden issued an Executive Order concerning the nation’s cybersecurity. Among the topics the order covered was the directive to, “...initiate two labeling programs related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and software to inform consumers about the security of their products. Read this report from NIST. (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) On February 4, NIST released five documents that begin to address these issues.
We’re glad our national leaders are putting the need for greater software supply chain standards and greater cybersecurity to the fore of our national conversations. This makes the next item that much more timely.
The Industry IoT Consortium (IIC) just released Trusted and Transparent Asset Tracking on the Edge, Authors: Xinxin Fan Head of Cryptography and Raullen (Qi) Chai CEO of IoTeX.

IoTeX is an industry leader in defining and setting standards that will unleash innovation in the Blockchain, IoT, Supply Chain and Mobility industries. In this report, Raullen and Xinxin lay out the problems and propose solutions to the challenges posed by untrusted data, fragmented data, and non-interoperable data.
“The unique combination of secure edge devices, consortium blockchain, and standardized supply chain format is revolutionary in its ability to create trust among stakeholders in supply chain applications. In addition, the increasing need to eliminate intermediaries and automate supply chain operations are expected to provide tremendous growth opportunities for blockchain empowered asset tracking solutions.”
Read this comprehensive, lucidly written work that's likely to be considered foundational for these industries. Find it here
The IoTeX team is committed to moving the latest Web3 ideas forward and here’s just one more way we do this:
Dr. Xinxin Fan Joins Forbes Council as Contributor
Dr. Xinxin Fan, a Founding Member and Head of Cryptography at IoTeX has joined the Forbes Council to contribute articles within his domain expertise on Cryptography, Blockchain and IoT technology. Dr. Fan received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

The ioPay V2 Wallet is open for public beta testing!
New features:
- Multichain support for IoTeX, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon
- Hundreds of dApps to browse
- Easy switching between chains
- Multiple account support
Start exploring the next era of ioPay here:
Westward ho! We’re going to EthDenver

A chance to meet and share with the Ethereum community - we share a common code. Learn more about this major blockchain event.

Ankr and IoTeX speed up global network growth
Great news for IoT developers! Ankr's Public Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol makes it easier than ever to build next-gen MachineFi DApps on IoTeX. This removes the need for developers to create their own nodes allowing more seamless access and capabilities for builders. Learn more here.

#1 out of 3,350. We're taking a moment to enjoy this.
We know IoTeX is on the right track. Executing on our ambitious roadmap. It's great to see the world recognize this too. Today we are ranked #1 out of 3,350 coins tracked. With our native coin IOTX jumping 22.66% in value, and the surge in Social Volume and Social Engagement, we're basking in the glow.

As the NFT market evolves, there’s a growing need for user-friendly platforms to facilitate simple and easy NFT transfers. To answer this need, developed a first-of-a-kind Multichain bridge designed especially for NFTs. We’re glad to have XP.Network as part of the IoTeX ecosystem. Read more about XP.Network
Ecosystem Snapshot - DeFi-ing the Odds on IoTeX
We’re pleased that the same fast transaction time, extremely low transaction costs, and more make IoTeX the first choice for DeFi platforms. Makes sense to us.

Creating a new developer class for Web3
IoTeX CEO: "The Bullish case for crypto hasn't change at all