In the News: IoTeX is Eating IOTA Market Share With 1.3 Update.
In this issue: Upcoming IoTeX Event, Breaking News For IoTeX, and What’s New in the IoTeX Ecosystem
This week IoTeX received a great writeup in BTCManager. IoTeX is Eating IOTA’s Market Share with 1.3 Update. Read it, it’s got some great nuggets on what is being released in this update!
We’re honored to be recognized along with Iota. That means all our hard work is getting noticed and increasing our momentum.
We are happy to be acknowledged for our 1.3 update, plus, for the first time, IoTeX is now available for trading in the USA through If you have been waiting on the sidelines in the USA, this is your chance to get a hold of some IOTX.
The IoTeX blockchain platform is designed to connect these types of smart devices to decentralized applications. This would enable users to be in full control of their devices and data... there are currently thousands of devices using its blockchain. -
The IoTeX team is always hard at work and we wanted to thank our community for supporting us every step of the way. The writer notes that in this v 1.3 update: our already super fast transaction times got faster and super cheap cost per transaction got cheaper (For the cost of a stamp, you can make 2500 transactions on iotex!). He also mentions we’re now fully EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible making it a snap for developers to port over their DApps written in Solidity. And finally, he gave us kudos for having connected devices up and running on the IoTeX network.
Here is a quick quote from the article:
“In fact, this is why IoTeX has an edge over other notable IoT solutions such as IOTA. IOTA was the earliest blockchain and IoT solution but due to its centralized architecture, it hasn’t delivered on its ambitions and is falling behind at this point.
On the other hand, IoTeX is building nonstop, supporting developers with consistent new releases of software and real-world devices. Its decentralized infrastructure is fundamental to ensuring that no one but you owns your data and digital assets. So in a world where IoT (Internet of Things) is projected to become the next industrial revolution, I’m waiting to see how Iotex will be implemented globally to secure and power the billions of connected devices arriving in our near future.”
@iotex_io I'm surprised when studying IOTX, it surpassed by 100% the IOTA and other currencies that started with IOT projects, which is my specialty. The truth is that IOTX works 100% and will be worth over US$ 1.00 in a short time. Congratulations to the entire IOTX team
— J.Almeida (@Psiupoetico) August 10, 2021
IoTex is claiming its rightful place as a leader among other players in the IoT global arena.
Read the full article at BTCManager >>> IoTeX is Eating IOTA’s Market Share with 1.3 Update
We had a fantastic panel this past Wednesday.
IoTeX CEO was on a panel along with representation from Amazon (AWS), Consensus Network, who are building on Iotex platform and just received a grant of $1.5 Million from US Navy, and BitMart.
Watch it now:
Event details:
Join us virtually on July 28th for “Blockchain Technology, Smart Devices and IoT: The Future”, a live panel featuring some of the leaders in the Internet of Things (IoT) space.
- Anoop Nannra the Global Blockchain Segment Leader at Amazon (AWS) joins
- Raullen Chai, Co-Founder & CEO, IoTeX,
- Nathan Miller, CEO, Consensus Networks and
- Chad Liang, VP of Listings, Bitmart;
This prestigious group will give us a behind-the-scenes look at the technology that's powering the future of smart devices.
How will your life change when we live in a world of connected smart devices that are on a blockchain? How do these smart devices interconnect and create new possibilities?
What is the current state of the Internet of things (IoT) and blockchain?
In the future, how will blockchain and IoT impact the life of an average person?
Why is there so much buzz about connected smart devices? Are they that important?
And much more.
This panel will answer these questions and more to give you an insider’s look at the future of smart device technology. Learn from a panel of world-class speakers who are leading the way and building this smart device interconnected ecosystem of IoT and blockchain.