IoTeX Project Updates №27 {July 13— August 15, 2020}
Greetings our dear supporters! We are back with our Monthly Project Update for July 2020. After our Mainnet GA launch, we have been continuing to improve the code and soon will launch Mainnet v1.1. This past month has been filled with announcing...

Greetings our dear supporters! We are back with our Monthly Project Update for July 2020. After our Mainnet GA launch, we have been continuing to improve the code and soon will launch Mainnet v1.1. This past month has been filled with announcing new products and integrations with other projects, community activities, and press coverage. Get up to speed with our summary below!

Burn-Drop #IGNITE Launch
IGNITE is the kickstart phase to prepare the IoTeX community for Burn-Drop. Earn an extra 10% annualized returns all throughout August on your $IOTX + limited edition NFT!
➡️ Get the full details on IGNITE
Ucam Unboxing + Setup Video
IoTeX Partners w/ IPFS & Filecoin to Decentralize the IoT

For the past months, IoTeX has worked closely with the IPFS & Filecoin teams to design innovative decentralized IoT solutions leveraging IoTeX & IPFS/Filecoin technologies! Our first use case? Decentralized IoT firmware updates to bring new levels of security for Ucam!
Mainnet v1.1 is ready for launch!

New features/upgrades include:
• “Reclaim Bucket” feature
• Transaction log APIs
• Optimized Docker images
• nsv2 staking updates

IoTeX & IIC Publish New Blockchain & IoT White Paper
Co-authors include IoTeX, Amazon, Huawei, PwC, iExec, XmPro, and more! This positions IoTeX as operating partners with the world’s largest enterprises.

Cross-Chain DEX is Coming August 31!
An unprecedented Uniswap-style DEX - ERC20 assets on Ethereum can flow to IoTeX and be exchanged w/ $IOTX, $VITA, and XRC20 assets. Cross-chain liquidity mining is launching August 31. Built by CapitalMu: fintech gurus & original IoTeX Delegate!

IoTeX Studio is Coming Soon
Get ready for the release of IoTeX Studio — an innovative browser-based IDE that will enable developers to seamlessly create and deploy DApps on IoTeX!

Introducing Batch #1 of Halo Grants
We are proud to welcome five new Halo projects to the IoTeX Network! The IoTeX Halo program funds development of software/hardware, research, and initiatives to fuel the Internet of Trusted Things.
▫️ HealthBlocks: healthcare IoT — OwnYourData
▫️ Helix: big data analytics with Google BigQuery
▫️ Metanyx: e-commerce plugin to pay with IOTX
▫️ Smart Stake: staking/rewards analytics dashboard
▫️ GameFantasy: IOTX & VITA for web-based games

IoTeX DID is now on UniResolver
IoTeX’s decentralized identity (DID) spec for people and devices has been accepted by UniResolver, the industry-wide utility for DID interoperability!

The next generation of Pebble Tracker has arrived!
IoTeX and Nordic Semiconductor are teaming up to bring ultra-secure and trusted tracking to the masses. We are bringing real world IoT data to the blockchain to unlock innovative decentralized use cases. New hardware, new possibilities — get ready!

The Burgeoning Global Surveillance State — HackerNoon feature
What happens when you combine billions of public security cameras with AI-based facial recognition?

Confidential Computing Will Revolutionize the IoT
IoTeX Co-founder @Raullen explains how new privacy technology like IoTeX will unleash innovative win-win business models for corporations, governments, and consumers.

No Safety Nets in the Real World

Unlike the virtual world, the real world has no safety nets. As we install billions of new IoT devices like cameras + digital assistants into our homes, hackers have their targets set on the rich/sensitive data of our smart homes — how can we stay protected?

Did you know … 1 Million Devices = ~500 Billion Unique Connections?
With a wave of “Powered by IoTeX” devices coming soon, powerful network effects will unleash new possibilities for IoTeX.

IoTeX is featured in @CoinDesk’s new article on privacy!
“At the heart of the problem is data ownership. Decentralization offers a way for individual people and entities to own their data.” — @Raullen

Big Tech Is Acquiring Access to Your Health & Home

With virtual assistants like Alexa & Siri and smart devices like Nest & Ring in our homes, Big Tech is now watching and listening to us 24/7. IoTeX’s mission to build a private IoT is more important than ever — we must take back our privacy!

Community Initiatives & Campaigns
🔖 Dr. XinXin’s Keynote @ IoT World Summit — August 14
🔖 Livestream AMA w/ Founders — August 12
🔖 IoTeX & Binance France AMA Recap — July 23
🔖 IoTeX Town Hall — July 17

IoTeX News
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Here’s our latest episode:
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About IoTeX
Founded as an open-source platform in 2017, IoTeX is building the Internet of Trusted Things, an open ecosystem where all “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and DApps — can interact with trust and privacy. Backed by a global team of 30+ top research scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, secure hardware, and confidential computing to enable next-gen IoT devices, networks, and economies. IoTeX will empower the future decentralized economy by “connecting the physical world, block by block”.