IoTeX, Amazon, and Huawei Selected as Co-Chairs of the IIC Blockchain Task Group
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) is one of the world’s leading IoT consortiums, consisting of 300+ of the world’s premier technology organizations.

IoTeX has been selected as the new Co-chair of the Blockchain Task Group of the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) alongside Amazon and Huawei. IoTeX Head of Cryptography, Dr. Xinxin Fan, will work closely as Co-chairs with Anoop Nannra, Global Blockchain Practice Leader at Amazon, and Mike McBride, Sr. Director of Innovation & Strategy at Huawei. This exciting news comes following the recent Trusted IoT Alliance (TIoTA) and Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) merger announcement in January 2020.
Founded by Bosch, Dell, GE, Huawei, and Microsoft, the IIC focuses on accelerating the development, adoption, and widespread use of interconnected machines and intelligent analytics. As Co-Chair of the Distributed Ledger Task Group, IoTeX will lead the creation of technology and business frameworks, as well as help drive the implementation of blockchain-based use cases with enterprise end users.
IoTeX Contributions to the IIC
As the first blockchain company to join the IIC in early 2019, IoTeX has developed strong relationships with the IIC Steering Committee and member organizations. Over the past two years, IoTeX has contributed greatly to the Distributed Ledger, Security, and Innovation Task Groups. Most notably, IoTeX drafted the official Blockchain & IoT Reference Architecture in partnership with the Trusted IoT Alliance (TIoTA), which served as the foundation for the recent TIoTA & IIC merger.

IoTeX has also delivered insightful presentations at the quarterly IIC Member Meetings, which are held in-person in various international locations. At the most recent IIC Member Meeting in Q4 2019, Dr. Xinxin Fan delivered two presentations on IoT Data Authentication and Decentralized Identity (DID), which were met with great interest from the IIC membership.
In the future, IoTeX will lead the IIC membership, including those Trusted IoT Alliance members that recently joined via the merger, to catalyze interest and adoption of blockchain-based technologies in the Industrial IoT sector.
For more information, please see the official TIoTA & IIC Merger press release.
About IoTeX
Founded as an open source platform in 2017, IoTeX is building the Internet of Trusted Things, where all physical and virtual “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and DApps — can exchange information and value at global scale. Backed by a global team of 30+ top research scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, secure hardware, and data services innovations to empower intelligent IoT networks and machine economies. By serving as a decentralized trust fabric for IoT, IoTeX will empower the future decentralized economy by “connecting the physical world, block by block”.
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